Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sweets For My Sweetheart

Yesterday I started celebrating Valentines. My reason for getting a head start is my schedule will have me out of town on Saturday. Therefor yesterday I went for a little date lunch with my wife.

After lunch we stopped at Wallyworld to pick up some necessities and valentine cards for the family. We walked in through the garden section. (Do they have any other doors?) We looked at some potted tulip plants. I was thinking ahh she just might like some of those. We went on and got most of what we needed. I picked up a couple of lemons to make her a pie. Near the produce was the floral department. We glanced over the flowers and found a few bunches of tulips. She expressed an interest and she ended up with some tulips for the house.

Later that afternoon there were tulips in several vases through the house. And I proceded to make her favorite, lemon merigne pie. I was not a fan of this pie growing up, it just didn't interest me. But, after a few years of making it and having it around, I have developed a fondeness for it.

So Valentines has begun at our house.

Hope you find something special for your sweetheart. Something that warms the cockles of her heart. Enjoy this opportunity to express affection for each other.


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